• M. Abdi Alka University of Riau
  • Aras Mulyadi University Riau
  • syafruddin Nasution University Riau
Keywords: Sekodi Village, T. telescopium, Morphometric, Density, Mangrove


This research was conducted in August 2019 to determine the morphometric, density, and sex ratio of T. telescopium in Sekodi Village, Bengkalis Regency, Riau Province. Three sampling stations with three transects in each station were surveyed. The results showed that the size of T. telescopium in areas far from community settlement was bigger than areas in the fishing boat lane and community settlement: 7.2 cm, 5.8 cm, and 5.7 cm. The highest density was in areas of community settlement and the lowest in the fishing boat lane. ANOVA test showed that there is no difference of density between all the stations. Sex ratio showed that T. telescopium was in the balance category (1:1)


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How to Cite
Alka, M. A., Mulyadi, A., & Nasution, syafruddin. (2020). MORPHOMETRIC STUDY AND DENSITY OF Telescopium telescopium IN MANGROVE ECOSYSTEM OF SEKODI VILLAGE, BENGKALIS REGENCY, RIAU PROVINCE. Asian Journal of Aquatic Sciences, 3(2), 135-146.