Asian Journal of Aquatic Sciences <p><strong>Asian Journal of Aquatic Sciences</strong> is a journal publishes scientific articles from research by lecturers and other researchers in the waters sector. Focusing on aspects of aquatic ecology for the use of this habitat as an ecosystem for producing food (fisheries and agriculture) and its function for the earth's ecosystem. Covers aspects of biology, physics and chemistry, both for freshwater (rivers, lakes, swamps, reservoirs), brackish waters (mangrove swamps, river estuaries) and marine waters (coastal and offshore seas).</p> <p><strong>Asian Journal of Aquatic Sciences (AJOAS) </strong>has been accredited nationally with fourth grade (Peringkat 4, Sinta 4) based on the Decree of the Minister of National Research and Technology of Indonesia Number <strong>164/E/KPT/2021<br></strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/public/site/images/ojsadmin/SINTA4.png"></a></p> en-US <p style="text-align: justify;">Authors submitting manuscripts should understand and agree that the copyright of manuscripts of the article shall be assigned/transferred to the "Asian Journal of Aquatic Sciences". &nbsp;This work is licensed under a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International License,</a>&nbsp;where Authors and Readers can copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, as well as remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, but they must give appropriate credit (cite to the article or content), provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. If you remix, transform or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.</p> (Irwan Effendi) (Ronal Kurniawan) Thu, 04 Apr 2024 04:54:30 +0000 OJS 60 ISOLATION OF LACTIC ACID BACTERIA FROM VANAME SHRIMP (Litopenaeus vannamei) AND ITS ANTAGONISM TO PATHOGEN BACTERIA <p>Vaname shrimp is one of Indonesia's leading export species and is widely cultivated. The main problem in vaname shrimp pond cultivation is the attack of shrimp diseases caused by bacteria or viruses. This study aims to isolate and identify lactic acid bacteria (BAL) from vaname shrimp (<em>Litopenaeus vannamei</em>) and test their antagonism against pathogenic bacteria. The research was conducted from February to April 2023. The method used in this study is a survey method. Sampling was conducted at the vaname shrimp pond of the Fisheries Service Task Unit (UPT), Tanjung Punak Village, Rupat Utara District, Bengkalis Regency, Riau. The method used in this research was a survey method. BAL was isolated using MRS Agar + CaCO<sub>3</sub> media. The Kirby-Bauer method was used to test bacterial antagonism against pathogenic bacteria. Based on the identification of seven isolates, it was found that only four isolates were positively identified as LAB bacteria, namely 47D, 54T1, 73DB1, and 73BD2. The results of the antagonism test against pathogenic bacteria showed that all BAL isolates could not suppress the growth of <em>E. coli </em>bacteria. However, these isolates suppressed the growth of <em>A. hydrophila</em> bacteria, with the widest inhibition zone diameter on isolate 54T1 (4.2 mm). On <em>Vibrio</em> sp. bacteria, the widest inhibition zone of BAL was on isolate 73DB1 (6 mm). These results indicate that the antibacterial activity produced by BAL is still relatively weak</p> Siti Nur Sufaidah, Nursyirwani Nursyirwani, Feliatra Feliatra (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Nur Sufaidah, Nursyirwani Nursyirwani, Feliatra Feliatra Wed, 27 Mar 2024 07:08:41 +0000 ANALYSIS OF CHLOROPHYLL-α AND SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION USING SATELITE IMAGE TO ESTIMATE OF FISHING ZONES FOR YELLOWFIN TUNA (Thunnus albacares) IN WEST SUMATERA PROVINCE WATERS <p>The potential of tuna in the waters of West Sumatra reaches 300,000 tons per year, and only 25% of its existing potential has been exploited. The existence of these fish can be determined by measuring the concentration of chlorophyll-α as an indicator of food sources in the waters and measuring sea surface temperature as an indicator of the fish environment, which can be done using remote sensing technology. This research was conducted from August 05 to September 29, 2022, using Aqua MODIS satellite imagery data. The results obtained during the study showed that the concentration of chlorophyll-α had an average of 2.01 mg/m<sup>3</sup>. The highest concentration occurred in the period 13-20 August 2022 with an average value of 3.17 mg/m<sup>3</sup>, and the lowest occurred in the period 06-13 September 2022 with an average value of 0.85 mg/m<sup>3</sup>. Sea surface temperature has a relatively similar value, which ranges from 29.5–30.8<sup>o</sup>C with an average of 30.5<sup>o</sup>C. Determination of the alleged fishing area for yellowfin tuna was carried out using the overlay technique by shading the area from chlorophyll-a criteria &gt;0.1 mg/m<sup>3</sup> with the sea surface temperature criteria of 29-30<sup>o</sup>C. The accuracy level of the yellowfin tuna fishing area estimation has an average accuracy of 28.7%. The highest accuracy value occurs from August 29 to September 05 2022, with a percentage of 69.8%, and the lowest occurs from August 13 to 20, 2022, with a rate of 3.9%.</p> Fandi Handika Arta, Mubarak Mubarak, Syafruddin Nasution (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Fandi Handika Arta, Mubarak Mubarak, Syafruddin Nasution Tue, 02 Apr 2024 04:27:58 +0000 EFFECT OF rGH HORMONE ADMINISTRATION ON PROTEASE ENZYME ACTIVITY AND RNA/DNA RATIO OF STRIPED CATFISH (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) MAINTAINED IN SALINE MEDIA <p>Striped catfish is a prevalent fish and is in great demand. Striped catfish cultivation generally uses fresh water as a living medium, but several freshwater fish commodities are starting to be developed to adapt to saline media. Harvesting striped catfish usually takes approximately 3 - 8 months. To overcome this, one way is to use growth hormone. The growth hormone currently used is Recombinant Growth Hormone (rGH). GH administration has been reported to have various effects, particularly on protein metabolism. In fish digestion, protein from feed cannot be directly absorbed but is first broken down by protease enzymes into amino acids. The physical appearance, which is the phenotype of an organism, is the result of metabolic processes in each cell that makes up the organism. This research aimed to analyze the effect of administering the rGH hormone on protease enzyme activity, RNA/DNA ratio, and growth of striped catfish maintained in saline media. The method used was experimental in the form of a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatments and three replications. Based on the results obtained during the research, it shows that Protease Enzyme Activity (U/minute) and the best RNA/DNA Ratio use a dose of 3 mg/kg with respective values ​​of 0.75±0.24 U/minute and3.30±0.49.</p> Mohamad Ardani Syahputra, Usman M Tang, Henni Syawal (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Mohamad Ardani Syahputra, Usman M Tang, Henni Syawal Tue, 02 Apr 2024 04:34:00 +0000 INPUT OF DOMESTIC WASTE IN THE ESTUARY OF DUMAI RIVER AND MESJID RIVER INTO THE RUPAT STRAIT WATERS <p>The study was conducted in December 2022 in the Dumai River Estuary and Dumai City Mesjid River Estuary, Riau Province. The purpose of this study is to determine the amount and type of garbage that enters the sea through the estuary of the Dumai River and the Mesjid River, the difference between the amount and type of waste, and the difference between days from the garbage contained in the estuary of the Dumai River and the Mesjid River in Dumai City. The research method used is a direct survey method in the field, where data collection is carried out directly at low tide using a net stretched at the mouth of the river so that garbage is collected and trapped following the river's flow into the net. Based on the research conducted, it was found that the types of waste trapped were plastic, foamy plastic, cloth, paper, rubber, and wood. The amount of input and composition of waste in two weeks to the mouth of the Dumai River was 28,26 kg in the first week and 30,64 kg in the second week, while in the estuary of the Mesjid River, it was less, namely the first week as much as 20,59 kg, and in the second week as much as 19,44 kg. The difference between the amount and type of waste contained in the Dumai River and the Mesjid River for two weeks found that plastic waste occupied the most significant amount, namely 30,43 kg with a composition of 51,55% and 49,71 kg with a composition of 49,71% based on total waste input. The difference in waste input based on the day at the mouth of the Dumai River and the highest Mesjid River is found on Sunday, namely at the mouth of the Dumai River with a total waste of 27,79 kg and at the mouth of the Mesjid River with a total of 16,67 kg</p> Anggie Sukma Dewi, Syahril Nedi, Bintal Amin (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Anggie Sukma Dewi, Syahril Nedi, Bintal Amin Tue, 02 Apr 2024 04:45:56 +0000 THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE WITH RAINFALL AND WIND IN THE WATERS OF WEST SUMATRA <p>This research was carried out in February-March 2023 in the West Sumatra waters. It aimed to determine the variability of sea surface temperature, rainfall intensity, wind direction, and speed in the West Sumatra waters. Sea surface temperatures were taken from three stations, namely: in the coastal waters of Pariaman City, Padang-Pariaman Regency, and Bungus, Padang. The survey method was used, which was directly observed in the field. The results showed that the Sea Surface Temperature of the study areas ranged from 29.25<sup>o</sup>C-30.28<sup>o</sup>C, while the rainfall went from 211.97-499.89 mm, and the dominant speed was between 0.50-2.10 m/s. The correlation analysis between rainfall and sea surface temperatures in Station 1 yielded an "r" value of 0.871, a powerful correlation category, and the determination coefficient (R<sup>2</sup>) was 0.579 or 57.9% during the western season. In the east season, the "r" value was 0.321, in the moderate correlation category, and the determination coefficient was 0.103 or 10.3%. At Station 2, the correlation coefficient (r) was 0.788, a powerful correlation category, and the determination coefficient (R<sup>2</sup>) was 0.622 or 62.2% during the western season. In the east season, the "r" value was 0.699, a strong correlation category, and the determination coefficient was 0.488 or 48.8%. At Station 3, the "r" value was 0.688, a strong correlation category, and the determination coefficient was 0.477 or 47.7% during the western season. In the east season, the "r" value was 0.743, a strong correlation category, and the determination coefficient was 0.579 or 57.9%</p> Zela Azmiada, Elizal Elizal, Aras Mulyadi (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Zela Azmiada, Elizal Elizal, Aras Mulyadi Tue, 02 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 POTENTIAL AND UTILIZATION LEVEL OF KRAI TUNA (Auxis thazard) LANDED AT SIBOLGA ARCHIPELAGO FISHING PORT NORTH SUMATERA PROVINCE <p>Krai tuna (<em>Auxis thazard</em>) is the most dominant catch in Sibolga Archipelago Fishing Port and has economic value, so the community widely consumes it. The magnitude of the potential of fisheries in Sibolga makes it important to analyze the stock of krai for the development and processing of the capture fisheries sector. The research method used is the survey method, the data needed is secondary data in the form of catch data and fishing effort for seven years (2016-2022), the data analysis used is the surplus production method with the Schaefer and Fox model approach, From the results of the study, it was concluded that the sustainable potential of krai using the production surplus approach method is more suitable using the Schaefer approach model because it has a low JTB of 1508 tons with a utilization rate status of 98.94% and is already in a fully-exploited condition or has reached the saturation point (catch-intensive). Utilization is almost near saturation point, so it is necessary to reduce fishing effort so that the catch remains and stock availability is maintained</p> Rina Ade Citra Purba, Arthur Brown, Alit Hindri Yani (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Rina Ade Citra Purba, Arthur Brown, Alit Hindri Yani Tue, 02 Apr 2024 05:06:18 +0000 ISOLATION OF Escherichia coli FROM VANAME SHRIMP (Litopenaeus vannamei) POND AND THE SENSITIVITY TOWARD ANTIBIOTICS <p>Vannamei shrimp (<em>Litopenaeus vannamei</em>) is a fishery commodity widely cultivated in various parts of Indonesia. The main problem often found in vannamei shrimp production is poor water quality during the rearing period. This study aims to isolate and identify <em>E. coli</em> contained in water, sediment, and meat of vannamei shrimp cultivated in shrimp ponds and examine its sensitivity to antibiotics. The research was conducted from March to May 2023 at the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) Vannamei Shrimp Ponds of the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service, Tanjung Punak Village, Rupat Utara District, Bengkalis Regency, Riau. The survey method was used in this study. The Most Probable Number (MPN) method was employed for E. coli isolation to calculate bacterial density, and the Kirby-Bauer method was used to test bacterial sensitivity to antibiotics. Based on the identification of the six isolates carried out, it was found that only two isolates were positively identified as E. coli bacteria, namely SD C 3.1 and IP B 1.1, which were isolated from sediment and the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) pond. The diameter of the inhibition zone for sediment isolate RF01 against the antibiotic chloramphenicol was 18.75 mm, indicating intermediate sensitivity. On the other hand, WWTP isolates RF02 exhibited an inhibition zone of 17 mm for chloramphenicol, indicating medium sensitivity as well. However, it showed resistance to penicillin with a diameter of 6.5 mm and resistance to ampicillin with a diameter of 2 mm</p> Resty Fauziah Putri, Nursyirwani Nursyirwani, Ummi Mardhiah Batubara (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Resty Fauziah Putri, Nursyirwani Nursyirwani, Ummi Mardhiah Batubara Tue, 02 Apr 2024 05:18:22 +0000 ESTIMATIONS OF CARBON STORAGE AND ECONOMIC VALUE OF MANGROVE FOREST ON THE NORTH COAST OF CAWAN ISLAND, INDRAGIRI HILIR <p>Mangrove forests are important for human life and the surrounding environment, one of which is as a CO<sub>2</sub> absorber and carbon storage. The North Coast of Cawan Island in Indragiri Hilir has a relatively good mangrove forest that is estimated to absorb and store more carbon. This study aims to (1) estimate the value of carbon storage in stands (stems), below-ground carbon (roots), litter, and sediment of mangrove forests, (2) estimate the CO<sub>2</sub> absorption capacity of mangrove forests, and (3) estimate the economic value of absorption CO<sub>2</sub> by mangrove forest on the North Coast of Cawan Island. The station determination method uses purposive sampling of five stations, each consisting of a transect with three plots measuring 10x10 m<sup>2</sup>. Measurement of stem and root biomass using the allometric method. Litter biomass measurement used the dry weight weighing method, and sediment carbon measurement used the Loss on Ignition (LOI) method. The result showed that average carbon storage in stems was 34.56 tons/ha, roots were 16.41 tons/ha, litter was 0.10 tons/ha, and sediment was 32.91 tons/ha. The estimated ability of mangrove forests to absorb CO<sub>2</sub> is an average of 187.10 tons/ha or 636,450.59 tonnes for the entire North Coast of Cawan Island. The estimated economic value of mangrove forest carbon is an average of IDR 149,809,099 /ha or IDR 509,599,619,024 for the entire North Coast of Cawan Island.</p> Tri Emrinelson, Trisla Warningsih (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Tri Emrinelson, Trisla Warningsih Tue, 02 Apr 2024 05:26:10 +0000 ANALYSIS OF PRODUCTION FACTORS FOR GILLNET FISHING GEAR AT THE TECHNICAL IMPLEMENTATION UNIT (UPT) OF THE FISHERY PORT OF RIAU PROVINCE <p>Dumai City relies entirely on marine waters for its fisheries production, with gillnets being a predominant fishing gear among local fishermen. Gillnets, characterized by their rectangular shape with varying mesh sizes, utilize floats and weights. This study aimed to identify the factors influencing gillnet catches in Dumai City. Results from simultaneous testing revealed that all production factors significantly impact catch quantities. Through multiple linear regression analysis, it was determined which factors exerted positive and negative effects. The regression equation, Y = 0.108 – 0.183 X1 – 0.411 X2 – 0.345 X3 + 0.173 X4 + 0.116 X5 + 0.451 X6 + 0.181 X7 – 0.106 X8 + 0.223 X9, elucidated these relationships. The cumulative effect of production factors on catches amounted to 64.20%. This study provides valuable insights into optimizing gillnet fishing practices in Dumai City's marine environment.</p> Arthur Brown, Camelia Nurul Hasanah, Polaris Nasution (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Arthur Brown, Camelia Nurul Hasanah, Polaris Nasution Tue, 02 Apr 2024 06:59:34 +0000 ABUNDANCE OF MARINE DEBRIS ON PADANG AND PARIAMAN BEACHES WEST SUMATRA PROVINCE <p>Padang and Pariaman Beaches are regional strategic locations for tourism and have been growing rapidly. However, waste has become a significant concern because of its anthropogenic impact. This study aims to identify and analyze the types of waste abundance on both beaches of these tourist destinations. This research was conducted in August 2022 using a survey method. This study found eight types of waste in the two locations. They comprise plastic, metal, glass, wood, paper, rubber, and cloth fragments. The total fragment on Padang Beach reached 3,392 items/m<sup>2</sup>, higher during the weekend than before the weekend (1,212 and 1,072 items/m<sup>2</sup>). Meanwhile, the total fragment on Pariaman Beach reached 2,484 items/m<sup>2</sup> and was higher during the weekends than after the weekends (0.956 and 0.74 items/m<sup>2</sup>). Moreover, there was no significant difference between the two locations (p&gt;0.05). It might relate to the characteristics of the same water quality parameters: the current velocity ranges from 0.3-0.4 m/s (medium current), so it does not have a different effect.</p> Afni Gusmanti, Syahril Nedi, Elizal Elizal (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Afni Gusmanti, Syahril Nedi, Elizal Elizal Tue, 02 Apr 2024 07:50:47 +0000 SUSTAINABILITY STATUS OF TRAP FISHERIES IN THE SOUTHERN PART OF RANGSANG ISLAND <p>On Rangsang Island, many still work as fishermen or depend on the sea, especially in the southern part of Rangsang Island. Fishermen in the south part of Rangsang Island still use a lot of traditional fishing gear, such as the grinder. The polluted waters on Rangsang Island and destructive technology will impact the fishermen's fishing economy. This study aims to determine and assess the sustainability of fishing gear in terms of ecological, economic, and technological aspects in the southern part of Rangsang Island using the rapfish technique. The method used was a survey method, and the sampling used a purposive sampling technique. The analysis of the rapfish technique found that sustainability in the ecological dimension was 33.53% or less sustainable. In the economic dimension, it was 36.01% or less sustainable. In comparison, it was 76.71% sustainable in the technological dimension.</p> Arthur Brown, Valentine Vanda Simamora, Alit Hindri Yani (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Arthur Brown, Valentine Vanda Simamora, Alit Hindri Yani Tue, 02 Apr 2024 08:32:58 +0000 DISTRIBUTION PATTERN OF TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS (TSS) IN KAMPAR RIVER ESTUARY, PELALAWAN REGENCY, RIAU PROVINCE <p>The Kampar River Estuary is the main river in Riau province, which empties into the Malacca Strait and has a unique potential for research. The characteristics of the Kampar River Estuary are concurrent and have high tidal elevations, resulting in the occurrence of a Tidal Bore, which is referred to as Bono. The impact of sedimentation is generally quite detrimental, namely the siltation in several places, such as the waters of the Kampar River Estuary, which are dense areas of human activity. This study aimed to determine the relationship between hydrodynamic patterns, suspended solids' distribution pattern, and the concentration value of suspended solids distribution in the Kampar River estuary. This research method is surveyed and discussed descriptively. Current patterns affect the distribution of sediments in the Kampar River estuary. The TSS distribution pattern tends to follow the same direction as the movement of tidal currents where, during high tide, it tends to lead to the southwest of the Kampar River estuary, while during low tide tends to lead to the northeast and northwest, it this is because, in the Kampar River estuary, there is an island that makes the mouth of the Kampar River estuary V-shaped. Between hydrodynamic patterns and TSS distribution patterns, there is a moderate negative relationship (r = 0.50), which means that there is a significant influence between hydro patterns and TSS distribution patterns in the waters of the Kampar River estuary, between hydrodynamic patterns and TSS distribution patterns in the waters of the Kampar River estuary. The lowest value of TSS concentration in the waters of the Kampar River Estuary at high tide to low tide is Station 7, with a range of 102 mg/L, and the highest value at Stations 3, 4, and 9. At station 3, there are values ranging from 1756 mg/L; at station 4, there are values ranging from 2823 mg/L; and at station 9, there are values ranging from 1269 mg/L; the high concentration of TSS results in low brightness in the study area.</p> Febi Betania Melas, Mubarak Mubarak, Rifardi Rifardi (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Febi Betania Melas, Mubarak Mubarak, Rifardi Rifardi Tue, 02 Apr 2024 14:34:43 +0000 CATCH COMPOSITION AND ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLINESS LEVEL OF SONDONG FISHING GEAR LANDED AT THE FISHERY HARBOR OF RIAU PROVINCE <p>Sondong fishing gear is one of the dominant fishing gear used by fishermen in the UPT Fisheries port of Riau Province Dumai City, which, when operated, can scrape to the bottom of the waters. The specifications of sondong fishing gear affect the catch. This study aimed to determine the composition of catches based on type, length, and weight and explain the level of environmental friendliness of sondong fishing gear that refers to the FAO 1995 CCRF criteria and Taeran 2014 subcriteria. The method used in this research is a survey method, which is conducted by conducting interviews and collecting data directly in the field, then analyzing it using descriptive statistics. The results showed that the composition of the main catch was white shrimp&nbsp;(<em>Penaeus merguiensis</em>), red prawn&nbsp;(<em>P.monodon</em>), and kelong shrimp&nbsp;(<em>P. indicus</em>). At the same time, the bycatch was white pomfret&nbsp;(<em>Pampus argenteus</em>), gulamah (<em>Pseudocienna amovensis</em>), gangetic anchovy&nbsp;(<em>Thryssa mystax</em>), malung (<em>Muraenesox cinereus</em>), stingray&nbsp;(<em>Dasyatis </em>sp),&nbsp;and crab&nbsp;(<em>Portunus pelagicus</em>). The environmentally friendly level of sondong fishing gear, with a value of 16.43 from the interviews with 23 respondents using 8 criteria, states that sondong fishing gear is a category of fishing gear that is not environmentally friendly.</p> Rahma Dani, Arthur Brown, Polaris Nasution (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Rahma Dani, Arthur Brown, Polaris Nasution Tue, 02 Apr 2024 15:30:30 +0000 SUSTAINABILITY STATUS OF BELAT FISHING TOOLS BASED ON ECOLOGICAL, TECHNOLOGICAL AND SOCIAL ASPECTS IN MERBAU DISTRICT, RIAU PROVINCE <p>This research was carried out in November 2022 in Merbau District, Meranti Islands Regency, Riau Province, to determine the sustainability status of the belat fishing gear based on ecological, social and technological aspects. The method used in this research is a survey method, while purposive sampling is used to determine respondents. Data collection was carried out through observation, interviews and documentation directly with two academics from the UNRI Faculty of Fisheries and Marine, two people from the Meranti Regency Fisheries Service, four capture fisheries entrepreneurs (traders and collectors), two fishermen group leaders, and ten fishermen. The research results show a decrease in the number of belat fishing gear every year; in 2020, the number of belat fishing gear was 65 units, and in 2022, the number of belat fishing gear was nine units. Belat fishing gear is not selective, as seen from the leverage analysis that has been carried out with a sensitivity attribute value of 40.53. Belat can catch small fish that are not yet suitable for catching. The sustainability status of belat fishing gear is seen through the attribute values ​​of three dimensions. The sustainability index value for the ecological dimension of the belat fishing gear is 51.11, meaning it is pretty sustainable. The sustainability index value of the technological dimension in fishing using belat fishing gear is 40.53, which is classified as less sustainable. The index value of the social dimension in fishing using the belat fishing gear is 59.99, meaning it is in the reasonably sustainable category.</p> Arthur Brown, Rezky Fadhli, Jonny Zain (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Arthur Brown, Rezky Fadhli, Jonny Zain Tue, 02 Apr 2024 17:26:48 +0000 MACROZOOBENTHOS COMMUNITY STRUCTURE IN THE INTERTIDAL ZONE OF MUARA AIR HAJI VILLAGE PESISIR SELATAN REGENCY WEST SUMATERA PROVINCE <p>Muara Air Haji Village is a coastal area with various anthropogenic activities that can disrupt the aquatic ecology, especially in the intertidal zone. Biological indicators such as macrozoobenthos are needed to provide a correct and sustainable picture of water quality. This research uses a survey method to determine macrozoobenthos' type, abundance, diversity, uniformity, dominance, and distribution pattern in the intertidal zone. Sampling was carried out using three stations, and each station consisted of three transects and three subzones comprised of the upper, middle, and lower intertidal zones using a quadrant plot measuring 1 x 1 m. The results of this research found three classes of macrozoobenthos with five species. Abundance values ​​at each station ranged from 0.89–4.56 ind/m<sup>2</sup>, while abundance in the intertidal subzone ranged from 1.11–3.56 ind/m<sup>2</sup>. The diversity index (H') at stations I and III is 1.93 and 1.17, which means it is included in the medium diversity category, while the diversity index (H') at station II is 0.84, which means it is included in the low category, moderate distribution of individuals or non-uniform number of individuals, moderate ecological pressure and moderately polluted water stability. The uniformity index value ranges from 0.65–0.99, which means the uniformity category is balanced. At station II, macrozoobenton dominates with an index value of 0.62, while stations I and III have no dominant species with index values ​​of 0.30 and 0.45. The distribution pattern (Id) of macrozoobenthos is clustered with a value of 3.45–4.18</p> Ilham Alhadad, Afrizal Tanjung, Zulkifli Zulkifli (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Ilham Alhadad, Afrizal Tanjung, Zulkifli Zulkifli Wed, 03 Apr 2024 03:41:55 +0000 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ORGANIC MATERIAL CONTENT IN SEDIMENTS AND THE ABUNDANCE OF EPIPELIC DIATOMS IN THE INTERTIDAL ZONE OF THE WATERS OF DUMAI CITY, RIAU PROVINCE <p>This research was conducted in March 2023, located in Koneng Beach, Dumai City. The purpose of this study was to determine the organic matter content and abundance of epipelic diatoms vertically and to analyze the relationship between the organic matter content in sediments and the abundance of epipelic diatoms vertically in the intertidal area of Dumai City Waters. The method used is the survey method. The sampling point is determined using a purposive sampling method. Sampling of epipelic diatoms was carried out using a modified corer, which was then brought to the laboratory to identify and calculate the abundance of diatoms and the sediment samples to calculate the content of organic matter and sediment fractions. Water quality measurements accompanied sampling with a brightness value of 0.57 m, temperature of 33 °C, current speed of 0.33 m/s, salinity of 28 ppt, and pH of 8.13. The results of the analysis of organic matter are 2.55 – 13.38%. The results of the sediment fraction analysis show that the research location is dominated by sandy silt. Nineteen genera of epipelic diatoms were found in the waters of Koneng Beach, Dumai City, with abundance values between 5,291–39,983 ind/cm<sup>2</sup>. The one-way ANOVA test results obtained an average value of 0.000, meaning there is a significant difference in the abundance of epipelic diatoms between the sediment layers. The results of the linear regression test showed that the effect of sediment organic matter on the abundance of epipelic diatoms was 50.85%.</p> Josua Simanjuntak, Sofyan Husein Siregar, Efriyeldi Efriyeldi (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Josua Simanjuntak, Sofyan Husein Siregar, Efriyeldi Efriyeldi Wed, 03 Apr 2024 05:05:56 +0000 GASTROPOD DIVERSITY AS A BIO-INDICATOR OF AQUATIC POLLUTION IN SIRONJONG GADANG ISLAND PESISIR SELATAN DISTRICT <p>This study aims to determine the diversity of gastropods and water conditions on Sironjong Gadang Island, Pesisir Selatan Regency. This research was conducted in August 2022 in the waters of Sironjong Gadang Island and the Marine Biology Laboratory and Marine Chemistry Laboratory of the Department of Marine Science, Universitas Riau. The method used in this research is the survey method, which is direct observation of the research area and sampling and measurement of water quality parameters in the field. The results of the study found gastropod species consisting of 4 (four) families, 4 (four) genera, and 8 (eight) species. The diversity value (H') was at a moderate level of diversity. The highest gastropod density was found at Station I, with a density value of 16.33 ind/m², and the lowest density was found at Station III, with a density value of 13.89 ind/m². The highest relative density was Monodonta labia species, with a relative density value of 27.6%, while the lowest relative density was Haustrum-scoring species, with a relative density value of 3.3%. Temperature 28-29˚C; salinity 25-27 ppt; pH 7.91-7.95; brightness 1.55-2.65 m. The sediment type at Station I was dominated by muddy gravel, Station II was dominated by sandy gravel, and Station III was defeated by sandy gravel with a total sediment organic matter content of 6.10-10.05%.</p> Usia Xoros Sihotang, Afrizal Tanjung, Dessy Yoswaty (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Usia Xoros Sihotang, Afrizal Tanjung, Dessy Yoswaty Wed, 03 Apr 2024 05:59:51 +0000 BIOMASS PRODUCTION AND SINGLE-CELL PROTEIN (SCP) ENCAPSULATION OF BACTERIA Bacillus cereus SN7 <p><em>Bacillus cereus</em> SN7 is a bacterium with potential applications in producing Single-Cell Protein (SCP). SCP can be an alternative to protein derived from traditional sources like agriculture, fisheries, and animal husbandry. Encapsulation is a process used to stabilize cells, aiming to potentially enhance probiotics' viability and stability throughout production, storage, and handling. This study aims to make capsules from <em>B. cereus</em> SN7 single-cell protein to protect them from contaminants. This study used a survey method, which carried out in-situ processing of bacteria, as well as conducting experiments on the formation of bacterial encapsulation, testing the effectiveness of encapsulation, and observing the viability of <em>B. cereus</em> SN7 bacteria by counting the number of colonies. <em>B. cereus</em> produced biomass with a total dry weight of 1.3708 g/mL. The alginate encapsulation experiments can be formed into capsule beads that protect bacteria. The best encapsulation process is an alginate-based coating, which is indicated by the ability of the alginate to withstand temperature, pH, and salinity</p> Ibnu Mukramin, Feliatra Feliatra, Afrizal Tanjung (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Ibnu Mukramin, Feliatra Feliatra, Afrizal Tanjung Thu, 04 Apr 2024 04:35:01 +0000 HYDROLYSATE CHARACTERISTICS OF BERUNOK SEA CUCUMBER (Paracaudina australis) AND TOTAL AMINO ACID USING PEPSIN ENZYMES <p>Berunok sea cucumber has a nutritional content that can be utilized as a functional food ingredient. This study determined the characteristics of berunok sea cucumber hydrolysate (<em>Paracaudina australis</em>) and the type and level of total amino acids. This research was conducted using experimental methods, with a Non-Factor Complete Randomized Design consisting of 3 levels of enzyme concentration treatment (1%, 2%, and 3%) with three replicates. In this study, the parameters tested were the proximate content of flour and hydrolysate of berunok and the type and content of total amino acids. The results showed that the chemical composition of berunok flour was water 11,40% (dw), ash 10,82% (dw), protein 68,21% (dw), fat 6,53% (dw), and carbohydrate&nbsp;by the difference<em>&nbsp;</em>of 14,43% (dw). The best treatment for preparing berunok protein hydrolysate using pepsin enzyme is 2% pepsin enzyme concentration. The proximate of berunok protein hydrolysate is water 6.87% (dw), ash 8.45% (dw), protein 80,59% (dw), and fat 2,86% (dw). The results of the identification of types and levels of total amino acids found 17 kinds of amino acids with a total of 16.524% in hydrolysate berunok.</p> Bella Billiant J Ananta Kembaren, Rahman Karnila, Bustari Hasan (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Bella Billiant J Ananta Kembaren, Rahman Karnila, Bustari Hasan Thu, 04 Apr 2024 04:46:19 +0000 POTENTIAL AND LEVEL UTILIZATION OF SKIPJACK (Katsuwonus pelamis) IN THE BUNGUS OCEAN FISHING PORT WEST SUMATERA PROVINCE <p>The skipjack (<em>Katsuwonus pelamis</em>) in Bungus Ocean Fishing Port has been evaluated for its sustainable potential using the surplus production approach method. The findings indicate a strong alignment with the Fox approach model. The estimated sustainable potential for skipjack is 471 tonnes per year, with an ideal effort of 45 trips annually. The analysis indicates a moderate utilization status, with an average skipjack utilization rate of 62.76%. It is evident that around 37.24% of its maximum sustainable potential, equivalent to 154.74 tonnes per year, is still unexplored. In addition, the catch rate of skipjack is relatively high at 96.14%, indicating that there is still some untapped potential, with 3.86% of the optimal fishing effort or two trips per year remaining unused. As a result, it is recommended that a total allowable catch of 341 tons be set in order to ensure the long-term sustainability of skipjack harvesting in the area.</p> Arthur Brown, Rina Ade Citra Purba (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Arthur Brown, Rina Ade Citra Purba Thu, 04 Apr 2024 04:51:50 +0000