• Abdi Hikmat Petra Zebua Universitas Riau
  • Nursyirwani Nursyirwani Universitas Riau
  • Feliatra Feliatra Universitas Riau
Keywords: Proteolytic Bacteria, Antagonism, 16S rRNA Sequence, Pathogenic Bacteria


Proteolytic bacteria have an important role in the degradation of complex compounds to a simple compounds by the enzyme proteases. Sediment in the mangrove ecosystem of Dumai Marine Station may contain the bacteria. This research aims to identify the proteolytic bacteria of mangrove sediments molecularly and to examine the antagonism of pathogenic bacteria.  The method used in this research was a survey. The results obtained 10 bacterial isolates (AZ1, AZ2, AZ3, AZ4, AZ6, AZ10, AZ11, AZ15, AZ18, and AZ20). Identification using 16S rRNA analysis revealed that 3 isolates showed different results, namely AZ2 had a similarity to Bacillus proteolyticus with strain MCCC 1A00365, AZ6 had a similarity to the bacteria Bacillus monlinensis with strain BL4-6 and AZ20 had similarity to the bacterium Bacillus toyonensis with strain MCCC 1A00365 BCT-7112.  Three of the 10 isolates that had the highest inhibition against pathogens. Isolates AZ2 shovued inhibition zone against Pseudomonas aeruginosa with a diameter of 9.65 mm, AZ6 shovued inhibition zone against Escherichia coli bacteria with a diameter of 5.18 mm, and AZ20 shovued inhibition zone against Vibrio alginolyticus bacteria with a diameter of 4, 01 mm.


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How to Cite
Zebua, A. H. P., Nursyirwani, N., & Feliatra, F. (2020). MOLECULAR IDENTIFICATION OF PROTEOLITIC BACTERIA FROM MANGROVE SEDIMENT IN DUMAI MARINE STATION . Asian Journal of Aquatic Sciences, 3(2), 179-188.

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