• Suci Nurul Ulfia Marine Science Study Program, Postgraduate, Universitas Riau
  • Viktor Amrifo Marine Science Study Program, Postgraduate, Universitas Riau
  • Trisla Warningsih Marine Science Study Program, Postgraduate, Universitas Riau
Keywords: Valuation Economics, Existence Value Benefits, Sea Grape


The purpose of this study is to find out the value of an economic benefit from the total sea grapes located in Mapur Village, Bintan Pesisir District, Riau Islands Regency in the use of a valuation economy that has a concept in calculating the benefits of the existence of sea grapes which have very potential natural resources. The research schedule has been carried out in September 2021. The observations made in the field use direct observations and interviews with the local government and the community around Mapur Village. The results of the research show that the sea grape ecosystem of Mapur village which has an area of ​​44,200 ha, and there is a benefit to the value of an existence of Rp.208,896,000/year. respondent, respondent's education level, respondent's gender, respondent's age and respondent's family dependents. With the benefits of the existence of Pulau Mapur Village, it can be used as a basis for decision making by the local government and the surrounding community in policy management and the use of sea grapes in maintaining and preserving the distribution of the sea grape ecosystem for future sustainability. With the results obtained in knowing the existence of the value function of this sea grape ecosystem, it can result in the formulation of a conservation reserve area for sea grapes in the coastal Bintan waters, especially Mapur Village.


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Author Biographies

Suci Nurul Ulfia, Marine Science Study Program, Postgraduate, Universitas Riau

Pascasarjana Ilmu Kelautan 

Viktor Amrifo, Marine Science Study Program, Postgraduate, Universitas Riau

Pascasarjana Ilmu Kelautan

Trisla Warningsih, Marine Science Study Program, Postgraduate, Universitas Riau

Pascasarjana Ilmu Kelautan


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How to Cite
Ulfia, S. N., Amrifo, V., & Warningsih, T. (2023). ECONOMIC VALUE OF SEA GRAPES (Caulerva racemosa) IN MAPUR ISLAND, BINTAN PESISIR DISTRICT, KEPULAUAN RIAU PROVINCE. Asian Journal of Aquatic Sciences, 6(2), 260-264.